Leadership Blind Spot – Not Sharing the Vision with Those Who Have to Implement it
Not Sharing the Vision with Those Who Have to Implement it
Dive into the thirteen blind spots many organization leaders will battle at one point. In this series, our president & CEO, Dave Mattson, will provide guidance on how you can overcome these challenges.
This blind spot is not sharing the vision to those who have to implement. You know we all have dirty little secrets, right? Well, the dirty little secret shouldn’t be the vision. It shouldn’t be where you want your company to go in three and five years. It shouldn’t be, “This is the way I want my department to look like.” It shouldn’t be, “This project is so important to our organization. Here’s what it needs. Here’s where it fits into the overall scheme.”
Those shouldn’t be dirty little secrets, and here’s the other thing that we fall prey to under this blind spot. “But I told you.” That is terrible. Listen, by you sending one email out two years ago explaining the vision on a one-year project, shame on you. You should be reinforcing this message by videos, by audios, by meetings, by having other people stand up and share what they were doing and why it’s important. The more you talk about it, the more it’s at the front of their mind. By not sharing the vision that those people who have to do the work, they tend to forget. They get demotivated. They don’t know why they’re doing certain things. They’re not giving you 100% of their capabilities, their expertise, because they don’t know where it fits.
The greatest genius attacks that I’ve had in our organization are from people that are doing some work way down here on the left. They say, “Do you know, have you thought about X, Y, and Z? Because that’s going to affect us if you’re doing this.” Bing, bing. Light bulb goes off. “Never thought about that,” but if we hadn’t shared the vision, we would have never known that. It would have cost me more time, more energy, and customers would have been unhappy. If you want the whole company to work on your vision, you have to share it. You have to reinforce it, and you have to make sure it goes from “you” to “we.” Good luck.
The Road to Excellence: Six Leadership Strategies to Build a Bulletproof Business, is on sale now at https://www.sandler.com/shop. Contact a local Sandler trainer to learn more about our organizational excellence management training program, or click “Subscribe” to get notified about future management tips.
Up Next in the Series
Blind Spot #1: Not Having a Process for Hiring
Blind Spot #2: Improperly Onboarding People
Blind Spot #3: Failing to Tie Corporate Goals to Personal Goals
Blind Spot #4: Not Creating a Culture of Accountability
Blind Spot #5: No Common Sales Language
Blind Spot #6: Not Focusing on Lead Generation
Blind Spot #7: Not Capturing Best Practices
Blind Spot #8: Failing to Train and Coach Management Staff
Blind Spot #9: Not Building the Bench
Blind Spot #10: Not Knowing How to Coach
Blind Spot #11: Not Sharing the Vision with Those who Have to Implement it
Blind Spot #12: Fostering a Culture of Learned Helplessness
Blind Spot #13: No Methodologies and Systems
The Road to Excellence
The best-selling book by Dave Mattson helps you determine what, exactly, stands between your company and organizational excellence – and what you can do about it.
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