Sandler Rule #1: Sales is a Conversation Between Adults to Uncover the Truth


We have a new Sandler Rule #1. It is our definition of sales. As a professional salesperson, you are in the issue identification business. You are a seeker of knowledge. Figure out exactly what is (and isn’t) going on in the buyer’s world.

This job involves figuring out what pain points (symptoms) they see or don’t see. It means discovering what the impacts of those issues are and what resources are needed to solve them. It requires ascertaining whether those issues constitute a business case that compels a decision to take action on implementing a solution. The only way to do all of this is to have adult-to adult conversations.

Now, the other part of this rule is the Conversation Between Adults part… David Sandler used to say, “I am more concerned with how you are feeling about yourself when you leave the sales call than I am with whether or not you made a sale.”

Take a few seconds right now to think about your role as a salesperson.

Do you take it so personally that your sense of self-worth drops dramatically if the prospect treats you poorly on the sales call, or if you don’t get the sale?

Consider that answer with care. Don’t underestimate its potential impact on your career—and on your life. Identify whether – and when – you take rejection personally.

Many salespeople think, “Well, it seems pretty simple to me. If I make the sale, I feel good about myself. If I don’t, I feel bad about myself.” In truth, how you feel about yourself before and after your next meeting is far, far more important than whether you win any given deal.

And that, of course, was the point Sandler was trying to make. The outcome of a sales call should never affect how we feel about ourselves. This is, after all, a conversation between adults, not a conversation between a person in power and a subordinate. We cannot allow the prospect to control the sales call or affect our self-concept.

The attitude of the winner is rooted in the mindsets of collaboration and abundance.

These 52 bulletproof principles align you seamlessly with the modern buyer and your potential as a sales professional. Learn the attitudes, behaviors, and techniques needed to sell more and sell more easily in today’s marketplace.

These new Sandler Rules come from the best-selling book, How To Sell To The Modern Buyer. Buy the book at Amazon or and subscribe to our channel, Sandler Worldwide, for the rest of the Sandler Rules!

View the playlist for our “New 52 Sandler Rules for Sales Success” HERE!