Tools Archives - Sandler Sales and leadership training and coaching solutions for salespeople, sales managers, and executives Thu, 26 Oct 2023 16:05:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gong Wed, 13 May 2020 14:11:52 +0000 Get the analytics you need to monitor your team's development.

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Gong + Sandler

Level up your team’s sales skills.

Connect with Sandler Gong

Your secret to sales success.

Are you looking to build repeatable and scalable system for the growth of your sales organization? Sandler + Gong ensure that your team has the sales skills they need to win, and the analytics to measure their development.

With Gong you can answer questions like…

    Are my reps putting the Sandler methodology into action?


    Which reps need additional Sandler coaching?


Jim McInerny

“We chose Sandler to enable our team with sales fundamentals and advanced skills. With Gong, we were able to granularly track sales rep adherence to Sandler’s methodology and measure the effectiveness of the program overall. Since the new model has been in place, we have had two of the best quarters in the company’s history.”

Track the adoption of Sandler training and reinforce Sandler techniques when needed. 

Gong uses AI to deliver the insights and analytics that you need to monitor the adoption of Sandler techniques and measure the impact of Sandler on your organization.

How it works…

Gong captures and understands your sales conversations so you can coach based on the reality of your customer conversations instead of opinions.

Take the next step.

Contact us to discuss your options for team analytics.

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Human Relations Grid Assessment Fri, 23 Aug 2019 14:24:17 +0000 Welcome to the Human Relations Grid. You will be asked to rate a series of questions then you will receive your score at the end.

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Visualize ROI Mon, 15 Jul 2019 19:43:25 +0000 Simply and effectively create, present and share a variety of return on investment, total cost of ownership and pain calculator tools.

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Visualize ROI

A Value Communication Engine

Are you looking for a tool that generates valuable detailed content about your prospects?

Visualize ROI is a web-based software service that enables sales and marketing leaders to simply and effectively create, present and share a variety of return on investment, total cost of ownership and pain calculator tools for the purpose of engaging and helping to close prospects and clients, enabling marketing and sales organizations to effectively provide a business case to buyers.

Visualize ROI can help your organization with…

  • Win rates that suffer because buyers don’t understand the value of the offering.
  • Lead conversion by providing detailed info to truly qualify the opportunity and serve as the basis for an informed sales conversation.
  • Sales cycles that get stuck or get lost with no decision.
  • Sales that get heavily discounted.

VisualizeROI is helpful for sales and marketing professionals in any industry, including: cloud solutions, security, healthcare, outsourced services, advertising, energy, government, hardware & manufacturing, and distribution.

How does Visualize ROI address these issues?

Sales and marketing professionals can use the platform to develop a library of web-based tools which can be used by salespeople in one-on-one conversations with clients, or by marketing on a company’s website as a way to engage and nurture prospects around the value of their solutions.

Examples of deployment include:

  • Pain Calculator
  • Savings or benefit estimator
  • ROI calculator
  • Total cost of ownership calculator

Try the Calculator

See how the VisualizeROI free calculator can help project your sales goals.

What differentiates this tool from other ROI calculators?

Many B2B marketing and sales organizations have some form of savings estimators, ROI tools, or pain calculators in spreadsheet format, PowerPoint or other document formats. Bottom line—they’re not easy to use, interactive or engaging, and forget using it as a lead generator on your website. Having an interactive, dynamic, web-based tool collect info from users in an engaging way provides the foundation for a more collaborative discussion for the sales team who can translate prospects’ info into value statements or business cases.

Take a Test Drive

Captures detailed information with this interactive tool, and generate a detailed snapshot of your prospects and clients. That intel can translate into exponential improvements to your bottom line.

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Extended DISC Assessments Mon, 15 Jul 2019 14:41:33 +0000 A suite of online DISC assessments that identify individuals’ hard-wired DISC style

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Extended DISC Assessments

Learn how your team prefers to interact with others.

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What is DISC?

DISC is a behavioral model developed in the 1920s by Dr. Carl Jung and Dr. William Marston. Jung recognized that people could be divided into four main groups, and Marston later labeled them Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Correctness.

  • Frustrating prospects and customers that lead to lost revenue.
  • Energy draining tasks and conversations that lead to burnout.
  • Demotivating or angering fellow team members.
  • Feeling disappointed, frustrated, and tired at the end of the day.

Participants who engage in the DISC assessment and corresponding coaching and train learn that their success is often determined by how well they communicate with other, and they learn how to more effectively adapt their communication styles to match the needs of others, including prospects, customers, coworkers, and managers.

Extended DISC® is a suite of online DISC assessments that identify individuals’ hard-wired DISC style. The results are tailored to your unique needs and preferences based on a wide selection of job roles. Sandler and Extended DISC have been strategic partners for over ten years.


Dave Mattson

“We’ve enjoyed a wonderful relationship with Extended DISC, utilizing their robust toolset and superior customer service. In this age of assessments, we appreciate the importance of having an effective strategic partner as we integrate, interpret, and communicate the assessment process to our customer base. We’re proud to be part of Extended DISC.

Why Use Extended DISC Assessments?

Your personal and professional success in life is largely determined by how well you interact with other people. You have probably noticed it is very easy to get along with certain people. You almost instantly and effortlessly understand the other person because communication flows. But with most people, communication takes more effort. It is sometimes hard to understand where the other person is coming from, what they want, and what their intentions are.

Meanwhile, the other person may experience the same uncomfortable feeling. The outcomes of the interaction are not what you want. It takes energy, effort, and concentration. Still, the results are not what you hoped they would be.

No Guts, No Gain!

With DISC Training, you and your team will learn to:

  • Understand how people communicate and operate differently.
  • Develop confident self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Identify the preferred styles of others.
  • Modify their behavior based on the other person’s style to communicate more effectively.

It should only take about 15-20 minutes of each person’s time to complete the assessment, and the results will help you and the team get on the same page with regards to your internal and external communication.

As you learn about the four DISC Styles, please keep in mind that none of the styles are better or worse and that all styles have strengths and development areas-they just happen to be different. Our style does not limit what we can accomplish or how successful we can be. It simply predicts how we tend to do things. We can find all the four styles represented by very successful people; however, the most successful people know who they are, and they modify their style appropriately with different styles of people and in different situations.

Take the next step.

The journey to success starts where you are, and it starts today!

Connect with Sandler

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Harver Mon, 15 Jul 2019 13:53:26 +0000 Hire smarter, develop employee talent, and drive results by connecting individual competencies to the desired performance benchmarks.

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Employee Assessment and Talent Analytic Tools

Connect with Sandler Harver

Employee assessments are a powerful tool that can simplify the hiring process, enable employee development, and support long-term organizational growth. 

You depend on your people to drive your company’s mission and purpose. Who you hire, how you develop them, and how you care for your culture are THE MOST important decisions you can make for the future of your business.

  • Select candidates who perform better, stay longer and fit your company culture
  • Provide new hires with a road map for success.
  • Get a holistic understanding of group strengths and weaknesses.
  • Foster engaged and skilled salespeople that drive your business forward.
  • Learn why employees choose to leave and get actionable next steps to improve retention.

Measure your candidates with proven tools.

Incorporating Harver reports into the interview helps you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your candidate as it relates to the specific roles they are applying for.

  • An Overall Match Score highlights the fit between the individual and the job.
  • Percentile ranking to others who recently completed assessments for the same job.
  • How well they fit for industry standard competencies.
  • Interview questions that are targeted to the individual’s development areas.
  • Ability to Succeed Match to other roles.

How it works…

The great reps and make sure you’re putting them in the proper roles.

The top factors for predicting a quota achiever are ambition and drive. Where there is a will, there is a way. We know this because we’ve tested hundreds of thousands of sales reps.

From there, we divide the salesperson’s skillsets into those required for demand generation or fulfillment and those required for long or short sales cycles. Whether you need Account Managers, Inside Sales, or Hunters, our Four Quadrant Sales Assessment will measure and predict their best seat on your team.

Let the Harver Selection Assessment provide you the information you need to hire great reps and make sure you’re putting them in the proper roles.

Outmatch Sales Quadrant

Harver assessments help you hire the right people, drive career growth, and develop future leaders.

Harver helps you put a strategy around these decisions. By truly understanding your candidates, your culture, and the underlying behaviors that drive employee success, you can expect to see an average workforce transformed into a high-growth, high-performance company.

The transformation begins by infusing behavioral data and predictive models into your talent strategy. Harvers predictive talent and culture analytics fully equip you to make the best possible decisions about your people, from hiring and development to leadership and culture.

Harver reports will help you identify 32 different behavioral competencies and where each person ranks for them. These competencies can then used to determine suitability for job fit, performance improvement plans, future training, and advancement potential

Outmatch Assesment_Resize Finding the Right People

Use Harver Assessments to measure the must-have soft skills your candidates and employees need to succeed.

Make life easier for hiring teams by arming them with the data they need to make great hiring decisions quickly.

Developing Yourself

Great leaders start with themselves. Use Harver Assessments to take an X-ray of yourself – highlighting the strengths that you can harness and grow as well as areas for development focus.

Understand the different skills you will need to deploy in different roles to take control of your own development and career track.

Developing Your People

Increase employee performance and engagement. Reduce ramp-up time and power employee’ career growth with individualized development

Treating people as individuals and adjusting your approach accordingly pays dividends in their productivity, motivation, engagement and retention.

Developing your organization

Being able to X-ray whole teams or your whole organization supports organization development across a myriad of people-related activities from human capital planning to downsize, from developing your talent now to preparing for the skills of the future. Without data, this exercise will lack the precision required for organizational excellence.

Take the next step.

Contact us to discuss your options for sales assessments and team analytics.

Connect with Sandler

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The Virtual Playbook PRO Fri, 12 Jul 2019 17:41:05 +0000 Sales tactics, strategies, scripts, and training templates for salespeople in any role or industry.

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The Virtual Playbook PRO

An online flipbook of your organizations best practices.

Connect with Sandler Sandler Virtual Playbook PRO

How are you collecting best practices?

Consider that professional sports teams have playbooks that they provide every single player – whether those are players who are brand new to the organization, or players who are being paid tens of millions of dollars and who have years and years of experience. The team gives them all the same playbook. Why? To make sure that they’re all (literally) on the same page when it’s time to execute.

Do you or your sales team struggle with:

  • Getting consistency and predictability in your sales process?
  • Remembering all the steps in the selling process when you are on a call?
  • Having the whole team perform the like the top salesperson?
  • Pre-briefing or debriefing calls with specific goals and agendas?

Blind Spot #7 – Not Capturing Best Practices

“I’m often asked to identify a single “blind spot” that keeps leaders from growing their businesses aggressively. One that’s particularly common is the failure to collect best practices and assemble them in a regularly updated ‘playbook’.”

The Sandler Sales Playbook contains sales tactics, strategies, scripts, and training templates for salespeople in any role or industry. The online collection of best practices serves as your guide to planning, making, and debriefing sales conversations. The Virtual Playbook is a digital flipbook for practicing and executing calls, role plays, and other sales processes.

Ease the Transition to Mastery

An inescapable reality of the working world is that we can’t expect our people to be great at everything. Here’s another: At some point, if people don’t have experience or guidance as they enter a new situation, and can’t get it, they will make up the best answer they can. It won’t always be the right answer.

Support your team’s growth with a virtual playbook which:

  • Is customizable and continuously updated.
  • Includes demonstration videos, roles play, images, or other audio-visual examples.
  • Collects as many playbooks or play cards as you like with no additional charges.
  • Saves genius attacks and distributes them straight to the frontlines.

As a leader, you must recognize that it’s sometimes going to be a challenge for any one individual to master everything necessary in a short amount of time. And you must make the transition to mastery as easy as possible.

You can’t answer every question personally, and you shouldn’t try. Your goal as a leader must be to create and support teams are self-sufficient. That means you must give your people the tools, resources, and insights they need to become as productive as possible, as quickly as possible.

Learn More

Learn more about Sandler’s Virtual Playbook PRO

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Sandler’s Virtual Playbook PRO

The Virtual Playbook can be your team’s guide to practicing, growing, and improving towards sales mastery with the Sandler Selling System. The easy-to-use web application can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection and on any device.

  • Do a 2-minute pre-call plan in the car before your next meeting.
  • Have your No-Pressure Prospecting Call script in front of you as you make your next dial.
  • Walk through the best practices with your sales manager or coach after a win or a loss.

Personalize Your Playbook

The best part of Sandler’s Virtual Playbook is that each user gets to make it their own. You can add your notes to each card and leave reminders for yourself for future calls. Make every card work for your day-to-day reality!

Share with the Team

With the PRO version, you can write your processes, playbooks, and scripts! Use this digital scriptwriter to document and distribute your own best practices, product knowledge, call scripts, and cadence. You can easily write a new process and push it live to your team in the field. In a matter of minutes, your team on the ground or in the call center is seeing and using your new messages.

Take the next step.

The journey to success starts where you are, and it starts today!

Connect with Sandler

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Sandler Playmaker for Fri, 12 Jul 2019 16:55:08 +0000 Playbooks make it easy for your salespeople to perform optimally at each stage of your sales process, and up the odds of winning more often.

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Sandler Playmaker for

Get your Sandler inside of Salesforce!

Connect with Sandler Playmaker Logo

The Sales Enablement Challenge

Playbooks make it easy for your salespeople to perform optimally at each stage of your sales process, and up the odds of winning more often.

Do you or your sales team struggle with:

  • Getting consistency and predictability in your sales process?
  • Remembering all the steps in the selling process when you are on a call?
  • Having the whole team perform the like the top salesperson?
  • Pre-briefing or debriefing calls with specific goals and agendas?

Desktop Salesforce Logo

The Sandler Playmaker for contains sales tactics, strategies, scripts, and training templates for salespeople to use directly in their stream of work. The online collection of best practices serves as your guide to planning, making, and debriefing sales conversations. The Playmaker is a Salesforce add-on that combines Sandler’s best practices with your sales process.

Sales Enablement Excellence

By having access to Sandler deal management best practices and tools customized to your business, your new hires can immediately execute the best way to sell at your company. Your salespeople and managers can collaborate to consistently utilize your best practices and tools at each stage of your sales process to initiate, advance, and close specific leads and deals.

Sales Skill and Salesforce Mastery

An inescapable reality of the working world is that we can’t expect our people to be great at everything. Here’s another: At some point, if people don’t have experience or guidance as they enter a new situation, and can’t get it, they will make up the best answer they can. It won’t always be the right answer.

Support your team’s growth with a virtual playbook which:

  • Is customizable and continuously updated.
  • Includes demonstration videos, roles play, images, or other audio-visual examples.
  • Collects as many playbooks or play cards as you like with no additional charges.
  • Saves genius attacks and distributes them straight to the frontlines.

As a leader, you must recognize that it’s sometimes going to be a challenge for any one individual to master everything necessary in a short amount of time. And you must make the transition to mastery as easy as possible.

You can’t answer every question personally, and you shouldn’t try. Your goal as a leader must be to create and support teams that are self-sufficient. That means you must give your people the tools, resources, and insights they need to become as productive as possible, as quickly as possible.

The Solution

Find out how to enable all your reps and managers to consistently apply deal, conversation, and forecast management best practices at each stage of your sales process with Sandler Playmaker for

  • Consistently execute your sales process
  • Leverage team-wide best practices
  • Standardize sales messaging
  • Access the right tool at the right time
  • Benefit from deal-specific coaching
  • Improve key deal visibility
  • Reinforce training
  • Easily build multiple playbooks based on the world’s leading sales methodology

Get Started Now

Perform optimally at each stage of your sales process, and up the odds of winning more often.

Contact Corporate Training

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SalesAccountability Thu, 11 Jul 2019 14:20:06 +0000 Learn how to hold salespeople accountable for the behaviors that lead them to success.

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Sales Accountability

Create accountability plans that drive results!

SalesAccountability Logo

How do you hold your people accountable?

Sales leaders should be your team’s trail guide to success while enjoying complete transparency into the activities that lead to closed sales.

Most leaders can relate to these statements:

  • I’m unsure about what my people are doing every day.
  • I’m frustrated with the need to chase salespeople and their quotas each month.
  • I’ve had enough of under-motivated salespeople and high team turnover.
  • I am not sure how many appointments or proposals my team needs to make to hit quota.

Learn how to hold salespeople accountable for the behaviors that lead them to success and stop spending your time and energy on things that don’t pay off.


Behavior Driven Results

Create accountability plans that drive results without driving you or your people crazy so you can stay on track, hit your goals, and have more meaningful coaching conversations with your team.

Our platform will help you:

  • Build success roadmaps
  • Focus on behaviors that lead to consistent results.
  • Work smarter, not harder
  • Be more transparent about the activities that lead to more sales

Spending your time and energy on things that don’t pay off shouldn’t be the norm. When you’re off track, our platform allows you to message team members and share insights so you can course-correct. The built-in gamification also makes it fun to compete across your organization while reinforcing the behaviors that improve individual and team performance.

Success Starts Here

Our mission is to positively change the way people think about accountability. By shifting the focus from late-stage, end-of-pipeline, and results-only, Sales Accountability helps people build a winning mindset that accelerates both professional and personal growth.


At the heart of Sales Accountability is the concept of categorizing your sales and coaching activities into one of 4 categories: Keep, Attain, Recapture/Reinforce, Expand. This behavior segmentation allows users to see where they’re spending time so they can ultimately be more efficient with their actions and plan their day more strategically. Then, by also logging sales by KARE type, users can better align efforts with results.

The KARE behavior categorization model is a core tenet of Sandler Training and is a proven method to keep managers and salespeople focused on the right activities for the right types of sales.

Track Activities that Lead to Results

Your Sales Accountability dashboard was designed to make it as simple as possible to log your activities and sales—push buttons. Your activities are right at your fingertips, whether on desktop or mobile, and everything is updated in real time.

Shoot for your daily 100 points. Based on your activities and frequency, Sales Accountability breaks things down into a rough goal of 100 points per day (like hitting your 10K step goal). Celebrate your successes and track your progress over time from your analytics.

SalesAccountability Activities SalesAccountability Analytics

Analyze Personal and Team Performance in Real-Time

Get the real-time data that salespeople and managers crave. See your entire team’s performance and filter by date ranges, activity type, and more, including comparing those activities to real-time sales data. See the top performers and activities and identify who needs help and coaching before issues arise.

Compete with Yourself or Your Team

The ability to quickly create competitions between teams and individuals helps to gamify the sales process and drives participation. Track activities over time and see how you and your team stack up in a competitive environment. Because all data updates in real time, it’s a great daily or weekly motivational tool to keep everyone focused.

SalesAccountability Leaderboard SalesAccountability Wins

Wins, Messaging, and More

An in-app messaging feature allows for both public and private conversations and coaching. Managers can keep tabs on their team’s wins, make suggestions, and provide motivation in real-time!

Get FREE Access to Sandler Online

Register for instant access to Sandler’s E-Learning Library. You’ll get access to hundreds of podcasts, dozens of white papers and reports, webinar recordings, sample courses, and two of our popular eBooks!


Get FREE Access!

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Evernote Templates Thu, 11 Jul 2019 11:48:10 +0000 Evernote Business makes Sandler’s Tools more user-friendly, collaborative, and accessible.

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Evernote + Sandler

Modern, digital note taking combined with the Sandler Selling System.

Sales Made Easier

Evernote + Sandler combine to provide centralized storage for all your information, including Sandler’s Sales Mastery templates. Your team and clients can access content from the office or on the road for increased collaboration and connection.

  • Access Your Information Anywhere
    Never look unprepared again. All your organization’s tools, templates, and knowledge are centralized and accessible for leads, contacts, and opportunities.

  • Share Across Your Organization
    Connect people, teams, and content beyond what is stored in one salesperson’s record. Evernote notes are automatically synced and searchable for everyone in the organization.

  • Take Great Notes!
    Don’t worry about how you take notes: whiteboard, notebooks, stickies, or even a napkin—Evernote stores them all.

The strategic partnership between Evernote and Sandler includes joint go-to-market collaboration and the opportunity for the Sandler network to provide dynamic Sandler tools, including Sales Mastery, to your clients directly within Evernote at a 10% discount!

10% OFF

Get All the Sandler Sales Tools and Templates in Evernote

Evernote Business makes Sandler’s Tools more user-friendly, collaborative, and accessible. Customers of the Sandler Network can now enjoy access to Evernote at a 10% discount.



Free Sandler Templates in Evernote

We have made two of the world-famous Sandler Sales Tools available for all free users of Evernote. You can download these sample tools to get started at taking better notes!

Sales Pre-Call Planner

Whether you’re creating a strategic business partnership with a prospect or managing an existing client, use this template to store contact information, meeting attendees, keynotes, questions to ask, and even answers to the questions you may be asked.

Call Debrief Tool

After your call, use this template to ensure you get all the information and action steps you need to keep the deal moving forward. Use this template to document questions, red flags, next steps, other people to get involved, and much more.

Get Evernote Business & Sandler Templates for one low price!

Modern, digital note taking combined with the Sandler Selling System.

Get Access Now

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